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Hi, I’m Beau and I run the .

嗨,我是Beau,我运行了 。

For the first few years of our channel’s life, we had less than 100,000 subscribers. When we published new videos, we would get excited if more than a thousand people turned out to watch them.

在频道生命的头几年,我们的订阅人数不到100,000。 当我们发布新视频时,如果一千多人观看它们,我们会感到非常兴奋。

But over the past 18 months, we’ve grown to more than a million subscribers. freeCodeCamp.org is now the biggest active software channel on YouTube.

但是在过去的18个月中,我们的订户已超过一百万。 freeCodeCamp.org现在是YouTube上最大的活动软件频道。

So what caused the explosive growth of our channel? In this tutorial, I’ll share our insights into YouTube’s algorithm and viewer preferences on YouTube. I’ll also share tips for creating your own software YouTube channel, and advice from a variety of successful YouTube creators. Even if you are new to software, you can benefit a lot from starting a YouTube channel.

那么,是什么导致了我们频道的爆炸性增长? 在本教程中,我将分享对YouTube算法和YouTube上的观看者偏好的见解。 我还将分享有关创建自己的软件YouTube频道的提示,以及各种成功的YouTube创作者的建议。 即使您不熟悉软件,也可以从创建YouTube频道中受益匪浅。

The freeCodeCamp.org channel focuses on long, in-depth technical courses. We create some of these ourselves, and also work with other YouTube creators to create and post courses. And thanks to the thousands of donors who support our nonprofit, we are able to keep our channel ad-free. But I’ll still share tips for making money with your YouTube channel.

freeCodeCamp.org频道着重于长期而深入的技术课程。 我们自己创建其中的一些,并与其他YouTube创作者一起创建和发布课程。 并感谢数以千计的支持我们的非营利组织的捐助者,我们能够使我们的频道保持无广告状态。 但我仍然会与您的YouTube频道分享赚钱的秘诀。

我的故事 (My story)

First, let me briefly tell you my story. When I tried to get my first job as a software developer (before working for freeCodeCamp), I was able to get multiple job offers. I eventually accepted a position that paid much more than the average pay for entry-level developers in my city. I believe that one of the most important things for my success was starting a software YouTube channel.

首先,让我简要介绍一下我的故事。 当我试图以软件开发人员的身份获得第一份工作时(在freeCodeCamp工作之前),我能够获得多个工作机会。 我最终接受了一个职位,该职位的薪资远高于我所在城市的入门级开发人员的平均薪资。 我相信,对我来说最重要的事情之一就是开设YouTube软件频道。

Before I ever got my first software job, I created a YouTube channel (not the freeCodeCamp channel) and started posting JavaScript training videos. I knew this would be something I could point to so potential employers could see I knew what I was doing.

在获得第一份软件工作之前,我创建了一个YouTube频道(不是freeCodeCamp频道),并开始发布JavaScript培训视频。 我知道这是我可以指出的,因此潜在的雇主可以看到我知道我在做什么。

When I was interviewing for jobs, my JavaScript videos were mentioned as a reason I was being considered. One company said they appreciated the initiative it took to create them.

当我面试工作时,提到我JavaScript视频是被考虑的原因。 一家公司表示,他们赞赏创建它们所采取的主动行动。

My videos showed employers that I was an authority on JavaScript. But here’s the secret: Many of the topics I created videos on were brand new to me. I had to research the topics to make the videos. And that process helped me become an authority.

我的视频向雇主表明我是JavaScript的权威。 但这就是秘密:我创建视频的许多主题对我来说都是全新的。 我必须研究主题才能制作视频。 这个过程帮助我成为了权威。

You don’t actually have to know a lot about a topic beforehand to create a teaching resource about it. You just have to have an interest and a desire to learn.

您实际上不必事先了解一个主题就可以创建有关该主题的教学资源。 您只需要有兴趣和学习欲望。

And just putting content out into the world often leads to more opportunities.


Soon after I started posting videos on my personal YouTube channel, Quincy Larson (from freeCodeCamp) offered me the opportunity to post my training videos on the freeCodeCamp channel.

在我开始在个人YouTube频道上发布视频后不久,Quincy Larson(来自freeCodeCamp)为我提供了将培训视频发布在freeCodeCamp频道上的机会。

What started as volunteering with freeCodeCamp, eventually led to me being hired on full-time.


I think starting a software YouTube channel can benefit everybody, no matter what stage of your career you are at.


确定目标 (Determine your goal)

Before you start a channel, you need to decide the goal of your channel. Your goal can have an impact on a lot of things about your channel.

在启动频道之前,您需要确定频道的目标。 您的目标可能会对您的频道产生很多影响。

Here are some common goals (not mutually exclusive):


  • Help others learn

  • Build a body of work that will lead to other career opportunities

  • Give you a reason to learn

  • Promote a paid resource

  • Make money through YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate links


“It’s crucial to know why you’re doing what you’re doing.” - Derek Sivers
“至关重要的是要知道为什么要做什么。” -德里克·西弗

When thinking about your channel and the videos you want to make, don’t worry if you want to create a video about a topic that someone else has already done. There are a lot of potential viewers in the world, and there are probably some people that can learn best from your unique style.

在考虑您的频道和要制作的视频时,请不要担心是否要创建有关其他人已经做过的主题的视频。 世界上有很多潜在的观众,也许有些人可以从您的独特风格中学到最好的东西。

And I’ll stress this again because it is so important: You do not need to know about a topic beforehand to create a video about a topic. A video idea is a great opportunity to learn!

我再次强调这一点,因为它是如此重要:您无需事先了解某个主题即可创建有关该主题的视频。 视频创意是学习的绝佳机会!

确定您的频道样式 (Determine your channel style)

You will need to determine what type of software YouTube channel to start. I categorize software YouTube channels into four types: tutorial, informational, live coding, and software entertainment.

您需要确定要启动哪种类型的YouTube频道软件。 我将软件YouTube频道分为四种类型:教程,信息性,实时编码和软件娱乐。

Some video styles appeal to a wider demographic than other styles. Tutorials often get fewer views than software entertainment videos. It is important to keep your ultimate goal in mind so you don’t get discouraged if you see other channels getting more views. For example, if your goal for your channel is to help others learn software development or to help promote your paid software courses, don’t worry if your video titled “Build a PWA With Vue & Ionic 4” doesn’t get as many views as someone else’s video titled “Why I don't eat at restaurants as a millionaire.” 😉

某些视频样式比其他样式吸引了更多的受众。 教程获得的观看次数通常少于软件娱乐视频。 重要的是要牢记您的最终目标,这样,如果您看到其他渠道获得更多观看次数,就不会气you。 例如,如果您的频道目标是帮助他人学习软件开发或帮助推广您的付费软件课程,请不要担心标题为“使用Vue&Ionic 4构建PWA”的视频观看次数不多如其他人的视频“为什么我不以百万富翁的身份在餐馆吃饭”。 😉

I’ll go into more detail about the different software channel styles. Keep in mind that some channels feature videos in multiple styles but most have one primary style.

我将详细介绍不同的软件渠道样式。 请注意,某些频道会播放多种风格的视频,但大多数频道都具有一种主要风格。

讲解 (Tutorial)

This type of channel primarily features software tutorials. This is the best type of channel if you want your channel to help you get a job or if you want to sell paid courses. This style is sometimes less focussed on your personality than the other styles.

这种类型的频道主要提供软件教程。 如果您希望您的频道能帮助您找到工作或想出售付费课程,则这是最佳的频道类型。 与其他样式相比,这种样式有时较少关注您的个性。

Channel Examples:


信息性 (Informational)

This type of channel has informational videos about software development. It focuses on soft skills and other information that developers should know. Videos have titles such as “5 Developer Tools You NEED to Use”, “Financial Freedom As A Web Developer”, and “Should you learn Python in 2019?”. This type of channel can sometimes get more views than tutorial channels and often focuses on the personality of the creator.

这种类型的频道包含有关软件开发的参考视频。 它侧重于开发人员应了解的软技能和其他信息。 视频的标题包括“您需要使用的5种开发人员工具”,“作为Web开发人员的财务自由”和“您是否应该在2019年学习Python?”。 这种类型的频道有时可以获得比教程频道更多的观看次数,并且通常关注创作者的个性。

Channel Examples:


实时编码 (Live Coding)

This type of channel mainly features people live coding. Viewers can see the actual thought process that goes into creating a program. It can also be helpful to see how live coders solve problems in real-time, although some people are so good at it that it can seem as polished as a tutorial channel (for example, The Coding Train). Live coding is great for building a community because you often get to communicate with viewers directly during a stream.

这种类型的频道主要以人们实时编码为特色。 观众可以看到创建程序时的实际思考过程。 尽管有些人非常擅长实时编码人员如何实时解决问题,但它可能看起来像教程通道一样优美(例如,The Coding Train),这也可能会有所帮助。 实时编码非常适合建立社区,因为您经常可以在流中直接与查看者进行交流。

Channel Examples:


软件娱乐 (Software Entertainment)

This type of channel has the potential for the most views. Creators use programming to create projects that are interesting to a very wide demographic. The videos focus more on the outcome of the program and not on the actual code used.

这种类型的频道具有获得最多观看次数的潜力。 创作者使用编程来创建非常广泛的人群感兴趣的项目。 视频更多地关注程序的结果,而不是实际使用的代码。

Videos have titles such as “A Robot Shoots Me When I Get Shot in Fortnite”, “AI Learns to play the Worlds Hardest Game”, ”Will your last name survive?”

视频中的标题包括“当我在Fortnite中被射击时,机器人会射击我”,“ AI学会玩世界上最艰苦的游戏”,“你的姓氏还能生存吗?”

Channel Examples:


初步计划和设置 (Initial Planning & Setup)

Once you have decided on your goals and the style of videos you want to create, you should do some setup and planning. Here are some things you will have to do:

确定目标和要创建的视频样式后,您应该进行一些设置和规划。 您需要执行以下操作:

  • Create the account for your YouTube channel. I recommend creating your channel as a . This allows you to keep some separation between your personal Google account and your software YouTube channel. A brand account still uses the log-in of your Google account so you do not need to keep track of another username and password. Also, a brand account allows you to add additional people as managers.

    为您的YouTube频道创建帐户。 建议您将您的频道创建为 。 这样,您就可以在个人Google帐户和软件YouTube频道之间保持一定距离。 品牌帐户仍然使用您的Google帐户登录,因此您无需跟踪其他用户名和密码。 此外,品牌帐户可让您添加其他人作为经理。

  • Determine your channel name. I personally recommend using your name as your channel name, although you will see in the example channels above that many people have success using other names. Using your name as a channel name can help to better associate you with your content.

    确定您的频道名称。 我个人建议使用您的姓名作为您的频道名称,尽管您会在上面的示例频道中看到很多人使用其他名称都可以成功。 将您的姓名用作频道名称可以帮助您更好地与您的内容相关联。
  • Design your , , and general thumbnail style. If you are not a good designer, consider hiring someone from to design these assets.

    设计 , 和常规缩略图样式。 如果您不是一个好的设计师,请考虑从雇用某人来设计这些资产。

  • Determine what kind of intro you want, if any. If you use an intro, it should be 5 seconds or less. Many people do not use intros but it may help with personal branding.

    确定所需的介绍类型(如果有)。 如果您使用简介,则应在5秒以内。 许多人不使用简介,但可以帮助建立个人品牌。
  • Consider what other consistent things you want to add to your videos to set them apart. It could be a sign-off line or prop (like a cat).

    请考虑您要添加到视频中的其他一致内容,以使其与众不同。 它可以是签字线或道具(如猫)。
  • Choose how frequently to upload (see the section below titled ‘Consistency and Specific Goals’)


视频策划 (Video Planning)

Once you have done the high-level planning for your channel, it’s time to start planning the specific videos you will create.


A good first step is brainstorming. Spend some time thinking and write out every idea you can possibly think of. Even bad ideas. Then start paring down the ideas to the best ideas.

第一步是集思广益。 花一些时间思考并写出您可能想到的每个想法。 甚至是坏主意。 然后开始将想法分解为最佳想法。

Have you already written code that you could use for a tutorial video? Your past software projects can be inspiration for videos to create.

您是否已经编写了可用于教程视频的代码? 您过去的软件项目可能会启发您创建视频。

Once you have figured out what a specific video is going to be about, it is time to start researching. Remember, you don’t need to know about a topic beforehand to make a video about the topic. But if you don’t already know much about the topic, you need to do a lot of research and learning so you can make your video as valuable as possible to viewers.

确定了特定视频的含义后,就该开始进行研究了。 请记住,您无需事先了解某个主题即可制作有关该主题的视频。 但是,如果您对该主题还不是很了解,则需要进行大量研究和学习,以便使您的视频对观众尽可能有价值。

You will most likely have to write a script for the video. If you are making a coding tutorial, you will have to write the code for the video beforehand.

您很可能必须为视频编写脚本。 如果要编写编码教程,则必须事先为视频编写代码。

记录/编辑 (Recording / Editing)

Two of the most important things when it comes to recording are:


  1. Use a good microphone.

  2. If you are showing code on screen, make it as large as possible.


If you have bad audio or tiny code, it will cause people to stop watching immediately - before they even see the real content of your video.


音讯 (Audio)

Almost any USB microphone will be better than the built-in mic on your computer. If you can afford it, consider one of these microphones:

几乎任何USB麦克风都会比计算机上的内置麦克风更好。 如果您负担得起,请考虑以下麦克风之一:

If you can’t afford a mic, do some tests with recording audio on a cell phone. Depending on what phone and computer you have, there is a chance that audio recorded on a cell phone could be better than on your computer.

如果您买不起麦克风,请通过在手机上录制音频进行一些测试。 根据您所拥有的电话和计算机,手机上录制的音频可能会比计算机上的音频更好。

视频 (Video)

CameraIf you are going to show yourself on camera, the cheapest way is to use your computer’s webcam or your cell phone camera. Many cell phones actually have pretty good video quality.

相机如果要在相机上显示自己,最便宜的方法是使用计算机的网络摄像头或手机相机。 实际上,许多手机的视频质量都很好。

If you want to take it to the next level, consider one of these cameras (note: these cameras are probably not necessary if your channel mainly consists of coding tutorials):


A good camera is especially important if you are creating informational or software entertainment videos.


Screen RecordingIf you are using a Mac, I recommend using Quicktime for both screen recording and video recording. It should be preinstalled.

屏幕录制如果您使用的是Mac,我建议同时使用Quicktime进行屏幕录制和视频录制。 应该预先安装。

If you are using Windows, there is a shortcut key to begin recording your screen. Just press Windows Key + Alt + R.

如果使用Windows,则有一个快捷键开始记录屏幕。 只需按Windows键+ Alt +R。

If you want to show video of your screen at the same time as video of you talking, you can set this up with the free .

如果要在讲话视频的同时显示屏幕视频,则可以使用免费的 。

When you are recording your screen, always make sure that the main content takes up as much room on the screen as possible. It may be hard to believe, but almost ⅓ of people watching coding tutorials watch on a mobile phone. All text should be as big as possible. You need a very good reason to show a window that is not full screen.

录制屏幕时,请始终确保主要内容在屏幕上占据尽可能多的空间。 也许难以置信,但是几乎有1/3的观看编码教程的人在手机上观看。 所有文字应尽可能大。 您需要一个很好的理由来显示不是全屏的窗口。

When recording a tutorial, it can be helpful to use two screens. You can record one of the screens for the video and use the other screen for your script and completed code.

录制教程时,使用两个屏幕可能会有所帮助。 您可以录制视频的一个屏幕,而将另一个屏幕用于脚本和完整的代码。

Here is a secret some people do to make their coding tutorials sound even more polished. First, record the coding tutorial. Then, transcribe all your dialog and make minor edits in the transcription to improve the flow. Finally, re-record your dialog and add it to the original screen recording. It can be easier to be expressive and entertaining if you are not thinking about what comes next in the tutorial.

这是一些人的秘密,目的是使他们的编码教程听起来更加优美。 首先,记录编码教程。 然后,转录所有对话框,并在转录中进行较小的编辑以改善流程。 最后,重新录制对话框并将其添加到原始屏幕录制中。 如果您不考虑本教程的后续内容,则可以更轻松地进行表达和娱乐。

EditingYou probably should be editing your videos to make them flow smoother and to cut out mistakes. Editing is especially important for informational and software entertainment videos.

编辑您可能应该在编辑视频,以使其流畅播放并消除错误。 对于信息和软件娱乐视频,编辑尤其重要。

Use editing to remove or reduce unwanted sounds like fans, coughing, and other noises that can be distracting to viewers. It is possible to remove constant humming and reverb using editing software or plugins.

使用编辑功能可以消除或减少不必要的声音,例如风扇,咳嗽和其他可能分散观众注意力的声音。 使用编辑软件或插件可以消除持续的嗡嗡声和混响。

For very simple editing you can use iMovie on Mac or Movie Maker on Windows. But these programs are very limited. I personally use Final Cut Pro but that is a little pricey. Here are a few other free video editors that offer more features than iMovie and Movie Maker:

对于非常简单的编辑,您可以在Mac上使用iMovie或在Windows上使用Movie Maker。 但是这些程序非常有限。 我个人使用Final Cut Pro,但这有点贵。 以下是一些其他免费视频编辑器,它们提供的功能比iMovie和Movie Maker还要多:

After you decide what software to use for editing, watch a few tutorials to learn the basic functionality of the software.


Another option is to hire someone to edit your videos. Even if you already know how to edit videos, hiring an editor can save a lot of time if you can afford it.

另一种选择是雇人编辑您的视频。 即使您已经知道如何编辑视频,雇用编辑也可以节省很多时间(如果您负担得起的话)。

创建缩略图和标题 (Creating Thumbnails and Titles)

You can have the world's best video. But nobody will find out about it if they don’t click on the thumbnail.

您可以拥有世界上最好的视频。 但是,如果不单击缩略图,没有人会发现它。

To grow your channel, it is important to create quality content. But it is almost equally important to use thumbnails and titles that will cause people to click on your video.

为了扩大您的频道,创建高质量的内容很重要。 但是使用缩图和标题会引起人们点击您的视频几乎同样重要。

While thumbnails are important for all YouTube videos, it is my experience that they have the most impact for software entertainment channels and the least impact for tutorial channels.


It can be helpful to choose a title before you even start recording or writing a script. By forcing yourself to pick a title first, you have to make a conscious decision about the focus of the video. A title can help guide you as you write a script so you focus on delivering the value promised in the title.

在开始录制或编写脚本之前选择标题可能会有帮助。 通过强迫自己先选择标题,您必须对视频的焦点做出有意识的决定。 标题可以帮助您在编写脚本时指导您,以便您专注于实现标题中承诺的价值。

选择标题 (Choosing a Title)

For most types of videos, it's best to pick a title that people are searching for. There are two main ways to find what people are searching for: YouTube search autocomplete and Google Trends.

对于大多数类型的视频,最好选择人们正在搜索的标题。 查找人们搜索内容的主要方法有两种:YouTube搜索自动完成功能和Google趋势。

YouTube search autocompleteGo to the YouTube search box and start typing words that are related to the topic of your video. YouTube will autocomplete with related words that other people search for. This can give you insight into what to title your video or what to make a video about.

YouTube搜索自动完成功能转到YouTube搜索框,然后输入与视频主题相关的词。 YouTube会自动完成他人搜索的相关单词。 这可以让您深入了解为视频加上标题或制作视频的内容。

For example, if you are creating a video about JavaScript frameworks, using this strategy may lead you to title the video "JavaScript Frameworks Explained (2019)"

例如,如果您要创建有关JavaScript框架的视频,则使用此策略可能会使您将视频命名为“ JavaScript Frameworks Explained(2019)”

Google trendsAnother way to figure out what people are searching for is . On the website you can compare two (or more) similar phrases to determine which one is more popular. Make sure to select "YouTube Search" so the data will be specific to YouTube.

Google趋势弄清人们正在搜索什么的另一种方法是 。 在网站上,您可以比较两个(或多个)相似的短语,以确定哪个更受欢迎。 确保选择“ YouTube搜索”,这样数据将特定于YouTube。

If you are posting a Python course video, the data above suggests you should title it "Python Tutorial" instead of "Python Course".

如果您要发布Python课程视频,则以上数据建议您将其命名为“ Python Tutorial”而不是“ Python Course”。

设计缩略图 (Designing Thumbnails)

The has some good tips for designing thumbnails.


Here are some tips:


  • “Brand” your thumbnails by using consistent colors, fonts, and graphics.

  • You can apply the “rule of thirds” to compose interesting and dynamic images, then overlay with your branding and/or descriptive text. If you add text, make sure to use a font that's easy to read.

    您可以应用“三分法则”来构成有趣和动态的图像,然后覆盖您的商标和/或描述性文字。 如果添加文本,请确保使用易于阅读的字体。
  • It can be good to think about your thumbnail before you shoot so you can capture several options.


  • Thumbnails show up in different sizes across YouTube and external sites that embed YouTube videos, so check that your thumbnail looks good on mobile and desktop.

  • Look at the thumbnails that other similar channels use on their successful videos. This will give you some ideas on what type of thumbnail works well.

    查看其他类似频道在其成功视频中使用的缩略图。 这将为您提供一些有关哪种缩略图效果很好的想法。

软件 (Software)

You will need software to create your thumbnail. The top image editing software is . To use it you must sign up for a monthly subscription service. There are some cheaper alternatives.

您将需要软件来创建缩略图。 顶级的图像编辑软件是 。 要使用它,您必须注册每月订阅服务。 有一些更便宜的选择。

The most popular free software for image editing is . After using Gimp for years, I decided I needed something more user-friendly so I purchased . The features and user experience are much better than Gimp. I liked that it was a one-time cost, unlike the Photoshop subscription model. Another good option is .

最受欢迎的图像编辑免费软件是 。 在使用Gimp多年之后,我决定我需要一些更用户友好的东西,因此我购买了 。 功能和用户体验比Gimp好得多。 我喜欢这是一次性费用,与Photoshop订阅模型不同。 另一个不错的选择是 。

算法 (The Algorithm)

The YouTube algorithm is what determines what videos will be promoted and appear high in search results. It is a mysterious thing. Even top YouTubers talk about not completely understanding why the algorithm promotes some videos but not others.

YouTube算法决定了哪些视频将被宣传并在搜索结果中占据较高的位置。 这是一个神秘的事情。 甚至顶级YouTube员工都在谈论不完全理解为什么算法会推广某些视频,而不能推广其他视频。

Based on some interviews I’ve heard, it is my belief that even YouTube engineers don’t completely understand the algorithm. The engineers tell the algorithm what outcome they want but they don’t specifically program how to achieve that outcome. That is handled by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

根据我所听到的一些采访,我相信即使YouTube工程师也无法完全理解该算法。 工程师告诉算法他们想要什么结果,但他们没有专门编程如何实现该结果。 这是由人工智能和机器学习来处理的。

So there could be exceptions to everything I’m about to tell you, but it is based on a lot of experience and research.


算法不关心什么 (What the algorithm DOESN’T care about)

  • Upload frequency

  • Video tags

  • How well a previous video performed

  • Descriptions

  • Subscriber count

  • Average percentage of video viewed


Ok, maybe the algorithm cares about these things a teeny tiny bit, but it is very small compared to what the algorithm does care about. Let's discuss these one at at time. I'll share what the algorithm cares about next.

好吧,也许这些事情的算法关心一个很小很小的一点,但比起算法所作的关于护理是非常小的。 让我们一次讨论一下。 接下来,我将分享算法关心的问题。

Upload frequencyI’ve heard people say that creators must upload a video every few days with no breaks to really grow a channel. This seems like a myth. I’ve seem many channels with infrequent uploads that still get a ton of views on each video. I believe the YouTube algorithm does not care about upload frequency.

上载频率我听说有人说创作者必须每隔几天上传一次视频,但要想真正扩大频道,必须保持不间断。 这似乎是一个神话。 我似乎有很多频道上传次数很少,但每个视频的观看次数仍然很高。 我认为YouTube算法并不关心上传频率。

Sometimes YouTube engineers will run studies to better understand how the algorithm works. On one official YouTube channel aimed at creators, they discussed a study that showed that taking a break from creating videos does not impact the view count when a creator comes back from a break.

有时,YouTube工程师会进行研究,以更好地了解算法的工作原理。 在一个面向创作者的YouTube官方频道上,他们讨论了一项研究,该研究表明,在创作者休息后,暂停创建视频不会影响观看次数。

While upload frequency is not always correlated with how many views you get, it could impact whether a viewer will subscribe to your channel. If you haven’t uploaded for awhile, a user will be less likely to subscribe.

尽管上传频率并不总是与您获得的观看次数相关,但它可能会影响观看者是否订阅您的频道。 如果您有一段时间没有上传,则用户订阅的可能性会降低。

Video tagsYouTube representatives have officially said that video tags count as almost nothing when it comes to recommendations. Everything has some amount of impact but this is one of the lowest impact items. The algorithm looks for patterns. Once it determines that videos from your channel are often watched by a certain type of viewer, it will recommend your videos to that type of viewer no matter what the tags and descriptions say. It is possible that before the algorithm identifies a pattern for your channel, it will use tags as an identifier.

视频标签 YouTube代表正式表示,涉及推荐内容时,视频标签几乎不算什么。 一切都有一定程度的影响,但这是影响最小的项目之一。 该算法查找模式。 一旦确定某类型的观看者经常观看您频道中的视频,无论标签和说明怎么说,它都会向该类型的观看者推荐您的视频。 在算法为您的频道识别模式之前,可能会使用标签作为标识符。

How well a previous video performedIn my experience, the performance of the previous video has very little impact on a subsequent video’s performance. This is true both on my channel and other channels I have observed. However, I think it could impact how quickly a video gets popular.

如何以及以前的视频进行 。在我的经验,以前的视频的性能对后续视频的性能影响非常小。 在我的频道和我观察到的其他频道上都是如此。 但是,我认为这可能会影响视频的普及速度。

If a user just watched a video from your channel, the algorithm may be more likely to recommend a new video from your channel right after it was posted. However, if not many users click to watch and they don’t watch very long, the algorithm will quickly stop recommending the video.

如果用户只是从您的频道观看了视频,则算法可能会在发布后立即从您的频道中推荐新视频。 但是,如果没有多少用户点击观看并且观看时间不长,则该算法将很快停止推荐视频。

On the other hand, if not many people watched your previous video, your video may not get recommended a lot at first. But if lots of people are clicking on it and they are watching for a very long time, YouTube will start recommending it a lot.

另一方面,如果观看您以前的视频的人不多,那么一开始您的视频可能不会被推荐很多。 但是,如果有很多人点击它并且观看了很长时间,那么YouTube会开始大量推荐它。

I’ve seen countless examples of extremely popular videos coming right after an unpopular video.


DescriptionsDescriptions do matter to the algorithm a little bit—just very little compared to click through rate and average view duration (these are what the algorithm cares about, to be discussed soon). , the first few lines of a description can be important, especially for searches. You should fill the first sentence with as many relevant search terms as possible.  When search terms are lower down in the description, they count less to the algorithm.

描述描述对算法确实有一点影响,与点击率和平均观看时长相比,影响很小(这些是算法所关心的,将在后面讨论)。 ,说明的前几行可能很重要,尤其是对于搜索而言。 您应该在第一句中填入尽可能多的相关搜索词。 当搜索字词在说明中降到最低时,它们对算法的计数就会减少。

A rookie mistake is to put links or ads as the first line in a description. While some big-name YouTube channels do this, that is because the algorithm has already figured out patterns for where to recommend their videos. For smaller channels, you should always put a keyword rich descriptive sentence as the first line.

新手的错误是将链接或广告作为描述的第一行。 尽管一些知名的YouTube频道可以这样做,但这是因为该算法已经找到了推荐其视频的方式。 对于较小的频道,您应该始终将关键字丰富的描述性句子作为第一行。

But always remember that even the best description cannot make up for low click through rates and low average view durations.


Subscriber countThe algorithm is more likely to recommend your video to subscribers so this does have some impact. However, I often see very popular videos on channels with low subscribers and very unpopular videos on channels with high subscribers. If people don’t watch your videos for a long time, the algorithm will quickly stop recommending your videos to your subscribers (unless they click the bell icon).

订阅者数量该算法更有可能将您的视频推荐给订阅者,因此确实会产生一些影响。 但是,我经常在用户较少的频道上看到非常受欢迎的视频,而在用户较高的频道上却看到非常不受欢迎的视频。 如果人们长时间不看您的视频,该算法将Swift停止向您的订阅者推荐您的视频(除非他们单击响铃图标)。

There are obviously some benefits to having more subscribers. When users search, your videos will appear higher in the search results if they are subscribed to your channel. Also, the algorithm is heavily impacted by patterns. If a user clicks on every video from your channel that appears in their feed, then the algorithm will keep putting more videos from you in their feed.

拥有更多订户显然有一些好处。 当用户搜索时,如果您的视频订阅了您的频道,它们在搜索结果中的排名就会更高。 而且,该算法受模式的影响很大。 如果用户点击您的供稿中出现的频道中的每个视频,则该算法将继续在您的供稿中添加来自您的更多视频。

Average percentage of video viewedThis one can have an impact for shorter videos. If your video is just a few minutes long, it makes a difference what percentage of the video is viewed. But if you are posting hour-long tutorials, the percentage viewed is much less important.

观看视频的平均百分比这可能会影响较短的视频。 如果您的视频只有几分钟的时间,那么观看视频的百分比会有所不同。 但是,如果您要发布一个小时的教程,那么查看的百分比就不那么重要了。

On the freeCodeCamp.org channel we have a 4.5-hour long Python video with over 7 million views. It's average percentage viewed is 4.3% but it’s average view duration is 11:20. On longer videos, average view duration matters way more than percentage viewed.

在freeCodeCamp.org频道上,我们有一个长达4.5小时的Python视频,观看次数超过700万。 它的平均观看百分比为4.3%,但平均观看时间为11:20。 在更长的视频,平均观看时间长度重要方式不止观看比例。

该算法关心什么 (What the algorithm cares about)

  • Click through rate

  • Average view duration


If your videos have high click-through rates and high average view duration, nothing else matters. Your video will be popular.

如果您的视频具有较高的点击率和较高的平均观看时长,则没有其他问题。 您的视频将很受欢迎。

Click-through rate measures how often viewers watched a video after seeing the thumbnail on YouTube. You need to have a thumbnail and title that people will want to click on.

点击率衡量的是观众在YouTube上看到缩略图后观看视频的频率。 您需要具有人们想要单击的缩略图和标题。

Average view duration is how long people are watching your video on average. Your video need to hold your viewers interest for as long as possible.

平均观看时间是人们平均观看您视频的时间。 您的视频需要尽可能长时间地吸引观众。

I heard a popular YouTuber say that a video will almost always become very popular if you can get an average view duration of over 7 minutes. However, it is extremely rare to get an average view duration that long.

我听到一个受欢迎的YouTuber说,如果您可以平均获得7分钟以上的观看时间,那么视频几乎总是很受欢迎。 但是,获得如此长的平均观看时间极为罕见。

In rare circumstances it is possible for a video to have a high click through rate and high average view duration and still not be recommended very much. This happens when the algorithm can’t figure out where to recommend the video. Maybe the only places the algorithm finds to promote your video are on unpopular videos.

在极少数情况下,视频可能会具有较高的点击率和较高的平均观看时长,但仍不建议这么做。 当算法无法确定推荐视频的位置时,就会发生这种情况。 也许算法发现的唯一推广视频的地方就是不受欢迎的视频。

For instance, maybe people click on your video 100% of the time when it is recommended after videos showing paint dry. But since very few people are watching videos showing paint dry, your video does not get recommended very much.

例如,在视频显示涂料变干后,建议人们100%的时间点击您的视频。 但是,由于很少有人观看显示油漆干燥的视频,因此对您的视频的推荐不多。

If this is happening to your video, your best bet is to try changing the title of the video. This will cause YouTube to try recommending your video in different ways.

如果您的视频发生这种情况,最好的选择是尝试更改视频的标题。 这将导致YouTube尝试以其他方式推荐您的视频。

流量来源类型 (Traffic source types)

I want to briefly talk about traffic sources. A traffic source is how a viewer found your video to watch. The traffic source breakdown for most channels on YouTube looks more similar to the above chart on the right.

我想简单谈谈流量来源。 流量来源是观众如何找到您要观看的视频。 YouTube上大多数频道的流量来源细分看起来与右侧的上图更相似。

Most views on YouTube are from users clicking videos suggested on the side of the video they are watching (listed as 'Suggested videos' in the chart). The second most common source of views on YouTube is users clicking on videos on their home page (listed as 'Browse features' in the chart). If you have an informational or software entertainment channel you will probably get most of your views from 'Suggested videos' and 'Browse features'.

YouTube上的大多数观看次数来自用户单击他们观看的视频旁边建议的视频(在图表中列为“建议的视频”)。 YouTube上第二大最常见的观看来源是用户点击其首页上的视频(在图表中列为“浏览功能”)。 如果您拥有信息或软件娱乐频道,则可能会从“建议的视频”和“浏览功能”中获得大部分意见。

You will notice that the chart on the left shows most views coming from "YouTube search". This is how successful tutorial channels get most of their views.

您会注意到,左侧的图表显示了大多数来自“ YouTube搜索”的观看次数。 这是成功的教程频道如何获得大多数意见的方式。

When developing titles and thumbnails you should consider if you are targeting users that will search for your video or users that will just happen to see your video suggested to them. Titles are more important for search and thumbnails are more important for suggested videos.

开发标题和缩略图时,应考虑是针对要搜索视频的用户,还是恰好看到向他们推荐视频的用户。 标题对搜索更重要,缩略图对建议的视频更重要。

一致性和具体目标 (Consistency and specific goals)

While you can have popular videos without frequently uploading, it is still important to have a consistent schedule. Some sort of consistent schedule is important to grow your YouTube channel.

尽管您可以在不经常上传的情况下制作热门视频,但保持一致的时间表仍然很重要。 某种一致的时间表对于增加您的YouTube频道很重要。

If you are going to upload infrequently, then when you do upload it should be substantial. If every video is a 5 hour course on a different programming language, it is OK if you only upload every month or two.

如果您不经常上传,那么当您上传时,它应该是实质性的。 如果每个视频都是使用不同编程语言进行的5个小时的课程,那么如果您每个月上传一次或两个月就可以了。

To help with consistency, you should create goals for yourself. An effective goal is measurable, timed, and controllable.

为了保持一致性,您应该为自己创建目标。 一个有效的目标是可衡量的,定时的和可控制的。

Measurable: The goal should have a quantified component that lets you know whether you’ve reached it or not.

可衡量的 :目标应该有一个量化的成分,可以让您知道是否已经实现。

Timed: The goal should have a specific and realistic deadline.

定时 :目标应该有一个具体而现实的期限。

Controllable: The goal should be an action you can perform, rather than an outcome that you want.

可控制的 :目标应该是您可以执行的动作,而不是想要的结果。

For example, your goal may be to put out 1 video (measurable) per week (timed). Note that “put out a video” is an action you can perform, but “reach 1,000 subscribers” is not an action but an outcome.

例如,您的目标可能是每周(定时)投放1个视频(可衡量)。 请注意,“发布视频”是您可以执行的操作,但是“达到1,000个订阅者”不是操作而是结果。

You should create goals that are ambitious but still doable. This will depend quite a bit on your stage of life. If you are a single person with no job you will be able to create much more content than a married person with three kids and a full-time job.

您应该制定雄心勃勃但仍然可行的目标。 这在很大程度上取决于您的生活阶段。 如果您是一个没有工作的单身人士,您将比拥有三个孩子和一份全职工作的已婚人士创建更多的内容。

When I first started my JavaScript tutorial channel, my goal was to release 3 short videos per week. Once I was reaching that goal consistently I was able to increase to 5 videos per week. (Though this goal worked out for me, I now realize that less frequent, more substantial videos will often reach a wider audience.)

刚开始创建JavaScript教程频道时,我的目标是每周发布3个简短的视频。 一旦达到目标,我每周就能增加5个视频。 (尽管这个目标对我来说算是可行的,但我现在意识到,更不频繁,更重要的视频通常会吸引更多的观众。)

赚钱 (Making Money)

When thinking about making money, you must know what your goals are. Some people are not concerned with making money from their videos and just want to provide free learning resources. However, most people aren’t able to spend time making learning resources unless they are compensated a bit.

在考虑赚钱时,您必须知道您的目标是什么。 有些人不关心从自己的视频中赚钱,只想提供免费的学习资源。 但是,除非获得一些补偿,否则大多数人无法花时间来学习资源。

Here are a few common ways that your software channel can make you money.


找到工作或加薪 (Getting you a job or a raise at work)

For most people, the primary way a software YouTube channel will make money is indirectly through the creator getting a better job or a raise.


I already mentioned that creating software tutorials helped me get multiple job offers for my first developer job. I’ve heard similar stories from other YouTube creators.

我已经提到过,创建软件教程可以帮助我为第一份开发人员工作获得多个工作机会。 我听过其他YouTube创作者的类似故事。

In a recent interview, software YouTube creator said that every employer that has offered him a job has specifically mentioned his YouTube channel. Dylan said that even at 100 subscribers, his channel helped him get a job.

在最近的一次采访中,软件YouTube的创建者表示,每位向他提供工作的雇主都特别提到了他的YouTube频道。 迪伦说,即使有100位订阅者,他的频道也帮助他找到了工作。

has said similar things. He said that his live coding helped him get two different raises and even led to his entire team getting a raise.

也说过类似的话。 他说他的现场编码帮助他获得了两次不同的加薪,甚至导致他的整个团队都得到了加薪。

Jesse recently completed a job search and he said that in every interview, live coding was the thing that people wanted to know about more than anything else. He said it really made him stand out as a candidate. Jesse said, “I think it gave employers confidence in me that they could get an idea of how I code and what my personality is before they even decide to interview me.”

杰西(Jesse)最近完成了工作寻找,他说在每次面试中,人们最想了解的是实时编码。 他说,这确实使他脱颖而出。 杰西说:“我认为这使雇主对我充满信心,他们甚至可以在决定面试我之前就了解我的编码方式和个性。”

YouTube广告收入 (YouTube ad revenue)

If you’ve heard it’s hard to make money on YouTube, then you’ve heard correctly. Most channels earn between $1 and $2.50 (U.S. dollars) per 1000 views, but it is possible to earn less or more than that. So if you want to make $30,000 in a year, you may have to get 30 million views.

如果您听说过要在YouTube上赚钱很难,那您就没错。 大多数频道每千次观看可赚取$ 1到$ 2.50(美元),但有可能赚得更少或更多。 因此,如果您想在一年内赚到30,000美元,则可能需要获得3000万次观看。

The freeCodeCamp.org channel is ad-free. However, my personal shows ads and I generally get about $1-$1.50 per 1000 views for videos under 10 minutes and $2-$2.50 per 1000 views for videos over ten minutes. At ten minutes, you are allowed to add mid-roll ads, and I was very surprised with how much extra money that made me.

freeCodeCamp.org频道无广告。 但是,我的个人“ 显示广告,对于10分钟以下的视频,我通常每1000次观看可获得$ 1- $ 1.50,对于十分钟以上的视频,我通常获得每$ 2-观看$ 2.50 在十分钟之内,您可以添加插播广告,而我赚了多少钱使我感到非常惊讶。

You only make money on video ads if people click on them or watch at least 30 seconds of the ad. If they click “Skip ad”, you make no money. Also, the amount of money you make per ad is dependent on the country that the viewer is in. Some viewers will make you more money than other viewers. This is why there is such a big difference in how much money you can make.

只有在人们点击视频广告或观看至少30秒的广告后,您才能在视频广告上获利。 如果他们单击“跳过广告”,则您不会赚钱。 另外,每个广告的收入金额取决于观看者所在的国家/地区。某些观看者比其他观看者会为您带来更多的收入。 这就是为什么您可以赚多少钱有如此大差异的原因。

推广付费产品和课程 (Promoting paid products and courses)

An effective way to make money with a software YouTube channel is to use it to promote your paid products and courses.  Mosh Hamedani, from the , seems to do well with this model.

使用YouTube频道的软件赚钱的有效方法是使用它来宣传您的付费产品和课程。 来自 Mosh Hamedani似乎很适合这种模型。

For this to work best, you need to create multiple high-quality, complete courses. Release some full courses  for free on YouTube and use those courses to advertise your paid courses.

为了使此方法最有效,您需要创建多个高质量,完整的课程。 在YouTube上免费发布一些完整的课程,并使用这些课程宣传您的付费课程。

Some people go about this in the wrong way. They will create a full paid course and then release a portion for free on YouTube. This will not lead to many sales.

有些人以错误的方式进行此操作。 他们将创建一个完整的付费课程,然后在YouTube上免费发布一部分。 这不会带来很多销售。

An incomplete course on YouTube will not get many views. If you want to get a lot of views on YouTube, you must publish a comprehensive and complete course. This will maximize your exposure and lead to more sales of your paid courses.

YouTube上不完整的课程不会获得很多观看次数。 如果要在YouTube上获得很多观看次数,则必须发布全面而完整的课程。 这将最大限度地提高您的曝光率,并带来更多付费课程的销售。

Patreon (Patreon)

Many people who create software tutorials have had success with . is one of them. I asked him if he had any tips for new creators using Patreon. He recommends people have Patreon setup from the beginning and just remind their audience from time to time that they can support via that page. Corey reminds his audience at the end of every video that they can support him via Patreon.

许多创建软件教程的人在都取得了成功。 就是其中之一。 我问他是否对使用Patreon的新创作者有任何建议。 他建议人们从一开始就设置Patreon,并不时提醒他们的观众可以通过该页面进行支持。 科里在每段视频的结尾提醒观众,他们可以通过Patreon支持他。

Corey also says that offering perks for different support tiers can be effective. He mentioned perks such as a t-shirt or an invitation to a discord server.

科里还说,为不同的支持层提供福利可能是有效的。 他提到了诸如T恤或邀请不和谐服务器之类的特权。

is another software YouTuber who has done well on Patreon.  I reached out to him and asked him for his thoughts on using Patreon successfully. His response was so good and insightful that I want to quote him directly:

是另一位YouTuber软件,在Patreon上表现出色。 我联系了他,问他关于成功使用Patreon的想法。 他的React是如此出色和有见地,我想直接引用他的话:

There are three types of people who do well on Patreon:


There are three types of people who do well on Patreon:


1. People with a truly gigantic audience (for them it doesn't really matter what they offer through Patreon, it's really just a donation page)


2. Creators with a big audience who release super compelling bonus content through Patreon (like a popular podcaster who releases a bonus episode to patrons every week, and that's all they do with Patreon)


3. Creators with a decent-sized audience who make a lot of effort providing value to their patrons in different ways: offering cool rewards, creating a community, giving fans greater access to the creator, etc.


3. Creators with a decent-sized audience who make a lot of effort providing value to their patrons in different ways: offering cool rewards, creating a community, giving fans greater access to the creator, etc.


Thus for the vast majority of creators, you have to have a decent-sized audience AND put in a lot of work in order for Patreon to be worthwhile. The bigger the audience you have, the less work you "need" to put into Patreon. One takeaway here is that unless you are super famous, just putting a Patreon link on your YouTube page will not result in any meaningful number of patrons. Patreon takes effort, and you should probably only do it if you enjoy doing it, because otherwise you will burn out.

因此,对于绝大多数创作者而言,您必须拥有一定数量的听众,并投入大量工作才能使Patreon物有所值。 您拥有的观众越多,您“需要”投入Patreon的工作就越少。 One takeaway here is that unless you are super famous, just putting a Patreon link on your YouTube page will not result in any meaningful number of patrons. Patreon takes effort, and you should probably only do it if you enjoy doing it, because otherwise you will burn out.

Thus for the vast majority of creators, you have to have a decent-sized audience AND put in a lot of work in order for Patreon to be worthwhile. The bigger the audience you have, the less work you "need" to put into Patreon. One takeaway here is that unless you are super famous, just putting a Patreon link on your YouTube page will not result in any meaningful number of patrons. Patreon takes effort, and you should probably only do it if you enjoy doing it, because otherwise you will burn out.

Thus for the vast majority of creators, you have to have a decent-sized audience AND put in a lot of work in order for Patreon to be worthwhile. The bigger the audience you have, the less work you "need" to put into Patreon. One takeaway here is that unless you are super famous, just putting a Patreon link on your YouTube page will not result in any meaningful number of patrons. Patreon takes effort, and you should probably only do it if you enjoy doing it, because otherwise you will burn out.

Here are the reasons why I have been successful in getting people to join my Patreon:

Here are the reasons why I have been successful in getting people to join my Patreon:

• I have a large email newsletter (due to my blog), and this is key because email converts so much better than any other marketing channel.

• I have a large email newsletter (due to my blog), and this is key because email converts so much better than any other marketing channel.

• I put substantial work into building and refining my page, and had probably 20 of my biggest supporters review the tiers and language on the page before releasing it publicly to give me suggestions on rewards and how I communicate the value of joining.

• I put substantial work into building and refining my page, and had probably 20 of my biggest supporters review the tiers and language on the page before releasing it publicly to give me suggestions on rewards and how I communicate the value of joining.

• The video "courses" (meaning playlists) I create on YouTube take hundreds of hours of work and are really high-quality, and so most people have joined Patreon because one of my courses delivered massive value to them at some point and they want to thank me.

• The video "courses" (meaning playlists) I create on YouTube take hundreds of hours of work and are really high-quality, and so most people have joined Patreon because one of my courses delivered massive value to them at some point and they want to thank me.

• I have been giving to the community for free for years (answering literally thousands of YouTube comments/blog comments/emails), thus many viewers have built a personal connection with me.

• I have been giving to the community for free for years (answering literally thousands of YouTube comments/blog comments/emails), thus many viewers have built a personal connection with me.

• I have a good reach on social media.

• I have a good reach on social media.

• I have a good reach on social media.

• I have a good reach on social media.

Here are reasons why people stay subscribed as patrons:

Here are reasons why people stay subscribed as patrons:

• I put a lot of ongoing work into providing value

• I put a lot of ongoing work into providing value

• I thank my patrons a lot

• I thank my patrons a lot

Sponsorships (Sponsorships)

Many creators make money through video sponsorships.

Many creators make money through video sponsorships.

I talked to about getting sponsorships. He said he got his first sponsor at around 2500 subscribers. To get the sponsorships, he reached out to coding organizations / bootcamps and asked to be connected to their marketing department. Now he’s at the point where sponsors reach out to him.

I talked to about getting sponsorships. He said he got his first sponsor at around 2500 subscribers. To get the sponsorships, he reached out to coding organizations / bootcamps and asked to be connected to their marketing department. Now he's at the point where sponsors reach out to him.

I also talked to about getting sponsorships. Like Dylan, he’s at the point where sponsors come to him.

I also talked to about getting sponsorships. Like Dylan, he's at the point where sponsors come to him.

Forrest said to make sure your email is available in the “About” section of your channel. Sometimes brands contact Forrest directly, but most contacts come from companies whose purpose is to connect brands with content creators. Forrest says that if you are putting out quality content that garners attention, brands will take notice and reach out.

Forrest said to make sure your email is available in the “About” section of your channel. Sometimes brands contact Forrest directly, but most contacts come from companies whose purpose is to connect brands with content creators. Forrest says that if you are putting out quality content that garners attention, brands will take notice and reach out.

As far as negotiating payment, Forrest recommends increasing your request amount for each sponsorship opportunity. Eventually you will start getting ‘no’s and then you will know your rate range. Be sure to increase your rate as your channel grows, and don't agree on a price that makes you uncomfortable.

As far as negotiating payment, Forrest recommends increasing your request amount for each sponsorship opportunity. Eventually you will start getting 'no's and then you will know your rate range. Be sure to increase your rate as your channel grows, and don't agree on a price that makes you uncomfortable.

Promoting (Promoting)

This can be challenging if you are just starting out. You must think about where your target audience could come across your videos. Here are some ideas:

This can be challenging if you are just starting out. You must think about where your target audience could come across your videos. 这里有一些想法:

  • Post to relevant subreddits

    Post to relevant subreddits
  • Submit to coding newsletters like the newsletter

    Submit to coding newsletters like the newsletter

  • Share your videos with the online communities that you're part of

    Share your videos with the online communities that you're part of

Another option would be to submit your video to a more popular YouTube channel. The channel publishes tutorials from many different contributors. Many creators have reported a significant bump in their own channel’s subscribers after one of their videos was published on the freeCodeCamp.org channel.

Another option would be to submit your video to a more popular YouTube channel. The channel publishes tutorials from many different contributors. Many creators have reported a significant bump in their own channel's subscribers after one of their videos was published on the freeCodeCamp.org channel.

Here is a recent Tweet from a creator showing their subscriber bump after we posted one of their videos.

Here is a recent Tweet from a creator showing their subscriber bump after we posted one of their videos.

Also, some people publish exclusively on the freeCodeCamp.org channel. This could be an option to consider if your main priority is reaching a large audience. In fact, this is what I did. I started with my own channel but eventually started publishing tutorials exclusively on the freeCodeCamp.org channel. This helped me reach a large audience very quickly.

Also, some people publish exclusively on the freeCodeCamp.org channel. This could be an option to consider if your main priority is reaching a large audience. In fact, this is what I did. I started with my own channel but eventually started publishing tutorials exclusively on the freeCodeCamp.org channel. This helped me reach a large audience very quickly.

If you are interested in submitting a video to the freeCodeCamp.org channel, send me an email. My address is beau@freecodecamp.org.

If you are interested in submitting a video to the freeCodeCamp.org channel, send me an email. My address is beau@freecodecamp.org.

Miscellaneous Tips (Miscellaneous Tips)

  • Consider adding end screens to videos. They can lead to many more views, especially if you create shorter videos. On my personal Robot Family channel, I get 6% of views from end screens.

    Consider adding end screens to videos. They can lead to many more views, especially if you create shorter videos. On my personal Robot Family channel, I get 6% of views from end screens.
  • If a video is part of a playlist, always link to the playlist in the description.

    If a video is part of a playlist, always link to the playlist in the description.

  • If you have already created a full course with lots of individual videos, consider combining them into one long video. If you really want to post the videos individually, never upload them all at once. Make sure to space out each video by at least a few hours. One per day would be best. If you upload them all at once, they may appear in the wrong order on your channel.

    If you have already created a full course with lots of individual videos, consider combining them into one long video. If you really want to post the videos individually, never upload them all at once. Make sure to space out each video by at least a few hours. One per day would be best. If you upload them all at once, they may appear in the wrong order on your channel.
  • Always expect that each video will be the first video from your channel that many people see. If you want to grow your channel, try to maximize the number of new people who are stumbling up on it. Some creators make the mistake of just making videos for their subscribers. This results in videos that may be confusing for someone new to the channel. You should always include a quick update about where people can get any prior knowledge expected—especially if viewers need prior knowledge from other videos on your channel.

    Always expect that each video will be the first video from your channel that many people see. If you want to grow your channel, try to maximize the number of new people who are stumbling up on it. Some creators make the mistake of just making videos for their subscribers. This results in videos that may be confusing for someone new to the channel. You should always include a quick update about where people can get any prior knowledge expected—especially if viewers need prior knowledge from other videos on your channel.
  • I've seen some creators who are not native English speakers choose to make software tutorials without dialog. I recommend against this. If your English is very poor, consider creating your videos with your native language, or hiring a native English speaker to read a voice-over script that you write.

    I've seen some creators who are not native English speakers choose to make software tutorials without dialog. I recommend against this. If your English is very poor, consider creating your videos with your native language, or hiring a native English speaker to read a voice-over script that you write.
  • Never use background music in a coding tutorial. It is often distracting. If people want to listen to music while watching your tutorial, they can turn on their own music.

    Never use background music in a coding tutorial. It is often distracting. If people want to listen to music while watching your tutorial, they can turn on their own music.
  • If your videos are part of a series and you want to include the series name in the title, put the series name at the end of the title instead of the beginning. This is better for SEO.

    If your videos are part of a series and you want to include the series name in the title, put the series name at the end of the title instead of the beginning. This is better for SEO.

结论 (Conclusion)

OK - you should now have everything you need to start your own software YouTube channel. Good luck!

OK - you should now have everything you need to start your own software YouTube channel. 祝好运!

Do you have any more tips for creating a software YouTube channel? Share them in the comments! Do you disagree with any of my advice? Tell me in the comments!

Do you have any more tips for creating a software YouTube channel? Share them in the comments! Do you disagree with any of my advice? Tell me in the comments!



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